Benefits of Forming Union

Benefits of Forming Union


Unions play the role of an intermediary between employers and workers. Its main duty is to ensure that employers and employees get along smoothly and iron out their differences in harmony. Unions support both employers and employees, and being in one has numerous benefits for both parties.

    I.        Negotiate Better Pay


One of the main benefits of a union to a worker who is a member is enjoying better wages compared to one who is not. Unions negotiate wages on their members’ behalf to ensure they earn what they deserve. In addition, union members can enjoy wage increases on a regular basis. Achieving such benefits requires collective bargaining where the union and the employer agree on wage terms. A non-union worker lacks such benefits

  II.        Collective Bargaining

Since unions are a group of workers who assemble for a common goal, they possess collective bargaining power. Workers in a union do not have to fight battles on their own as they have their union to fight the battles for them. Union workers have more impact in contract negotiation than their non-union counterparts

III.        Negotiate Better Working Conditions

Workers no longer have to work under harsh conditions like in times when unions didn’t exist. In cases where a non-union worker works in unfavorable conditions and lacks the voice to complain, union workers have one voice. A union negotiates for better working conditions for its members and other work-related benefits like holidays and improved safety measures at work.

IV.        Provide Training for New Skills

Union workers also get to benefit from training offered by their respective unions to improve their skills and increase their marginal productivity. Provision of training is done through negotiations between the employer and a union to organize how the employee will undertake their training and still work.

  V.        Provide Job Security

Training to acquire new or to improve your existing skills increases your marginal productivity and gives you a sense of job security. Unions also enhance a member’s job security by ensuring the union worker is not fired without a valid and concrete reason. Before an employer fires a union worker, the reason for firing them must prove merit.


VI.        Give General Advice and Support

Union workers also benefit from professional advice from the union. They offer basic education and teach members their rights. Union workers can get advice on career decisions and work-related issues. Unions empower their workers with information and support.

VII.        Negotiate for Additional Benefits

Apart from negotiating for better working conditions and wages, unions go to the extent of seeking additional benefits for their workers. These additional benefits include medical and health assistance. Union workers enjoy the entitlement to health insurances that are a huge boost, especially for a worker with ailing family members

VIII.        Employer Benefits

Employers also benefit from their membership in a union. For instance, labor unions negotiate and help firms to increase their output to enable them afford high wages. In addition, they ensure a single channel of communication between employer and employees.


It is clear from the above benefits that unions have a huge impact on the economy and shape business platforms. Unions help to steer a country towards economic stability.

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